Draped in Blue,Leicester City awaits the miracle

The city’s mayor Peter Soulsby has thrown his support behind the team by bathing the town hall in blue.
Apart from that in the city, the Corn Exchange, City Hall, Clock Tower, New Walk Museum, Regent House in Regent Road, Trinity House at De Montfort University, Jubilee Square, Leicester Cathedral, De Montfort Hall, Haymarket shopping centre and the Statue of Liberty are all turning blue in honour of Leicester City’s extraordinary Premier League exploits.

“The entire city is painted blue. As a Labour MP, my colour is red but even I am wearing blue. This goes beyond political or any kind of affiliation for that matter
,” says Keith Vaz – Indian-origin British MP.
This is the Regent House on Regent Road.
If Leicester beat Manchester United on Sunday the miracle end to the fairytale – where everyone gets to live happily ever after – will come true.
On Friday, Ranieri called on his players to finish off the season “Hollywood style”. But even Hollywood could not have scripted such a tale.
And so the football playing world waits and watches with Leicester City fans for the dream to come true.

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